
In Q1 of 2023 to Q2 of 2024, the Gamic team will focus primarily on forming a strong base of communications capabilities on the platform. Moving into Q3 and Q4, we will shift our focus to the integration of more blockchain-based features.

Q1, 2023: Done ✅ 🔋

  • Early Adoption & Community Building.

  • First public launch (Mainnet)

  • Community engagement and building

  • Mainnet Launch

  • Community Features. Incubated by Binance labs.

  • Gamic V1.0 with community chat

  • Mobile App Release (IOS & Android)

  • Gamic Spaces

  • Support for BNB, Polygon, Etheruem

  • UI/UX Improvements

Q2, 2023: Done ✅ 🔋

  • Additional Features and Improvements

  • Airdrops (Token Gifting over Chat)

  • NFT Collection Support for the Gamic Wallet

  • Dapp Support for the

  • Gamic Wallet

  • Fiat On/Off-Ramp Support

  • UI/UX Improvements

Q3, 2023: Done ✅ 🔋

  • Additional chain supports and Improvements

  • Airdrops support for ZKsync, Scroll, Optimism, Arbitrum, linea

  • NFT Collection Support for ZKsync, Scroll, Optimism, Arbitrum, linea on Gamic Wallet

  • Dapp Support for the Gamic Wallet

  • UI/UX Improvements

Q4, 2023: Done ✅ 🔋

  • Ideation, Research, and Prototyping of Social token

  • Market Research.

  • Technical Spec Writing

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Token Design

  • Prototype Development

  • Internal Testing

  • Support for BNB,Polygon

Q1, 2024: Done ✅ 🔋

  • Support for Zksync Era, Scroll, Lina, Polygon Zkevm

  • Additional Features and Improvements

  • launch quick access.

  • Biometrics lock support.

  • Space Analytics for communities

  • Social x airdrop tracker

Q2, 2024: 👷‍♀ī¸đŸĒĢ🛠ī¸

  • Alpha Release & Public Mainnet Launch of Social token

  • Initial social token functionalities

  • Public testnet release of social token feature

  • Collect early user feedback

  • Roll out social token feature to all users

  • Marketing.

  • Early user feedback report.

  • Social Token feature on Mainnet.

  • $GNG Token Launch

Q3 2024 👷‍♀ī¸đŸĒĢ🛠ī¸

  • Gamic V2 (Web App & Mobile App Redesign)

  • Audio Channels & Voice Notes (VOIP)

  • Airdrops (NFTs, custom claim permissions)

  • Events & Scheduling

  • Game Launcher

Q4 2024 👷‍♀ī¸đŸĒĢ🛠ī¸

  • AI Agent

  • Launchpad Integration

  • Trading Bot

  • Community Widgets

  • Gamic Music

Q1 2025 👷‍♀ī¸đŸĒĢ🛠ī¸

  • Gamic Bridge

  • Gamic Bot SDK

  • Modularisation of community services

  • Gamic Open Graph (GOG)

Q2 2025 👷‍♀ī¸đŸĒĢ🛠ī¸

  • Stickers & GIF packs

  • Gamic Marketplace

  • Gamic DAO Tooling

  • Gamic Perpetual Exchange

  • $GNG Revenue Share Program

Last updated