
Gamic Token Revenue Share Mechanics

The revenue share mechanics of Gamic Token ($GNG) are designed to incentivize long-term holding and engagement within the Gamic ecosystem. By holding $GNG, users can earn a portion of the platform's revenue, which accrues in $GNG tokens.

Key Mechanics

1. Holding Requirement

Minimum Hold: Users need to hold at least 50 $GNG to start accruing revenue. Revenue Calculation: Revenue share is calculated every 7 days. Claiming: Revenue must be claimed on the Gamic dApp.

2. Forfeiture Conditions

Selling All Tokens: If a user sells all their $GNG, they forfeit their accrued revenue share. Large Transfers/Sales: Transferring or selling over 300 $GNG voids the revenue share for the 24hr- hour window during which the transaction occurred.

3. Holding Multiplier The longer a user holds $GNG, the higher their multiplier for revenue share. For example, holding for 15 days could result in a significant multiplier, incentivizing long-term holding.

Example Scenario User A holds 100 $GNG continuously for 30 days without selling or transferring. Their revenue share will be calculated daily, and because they have not transferred or sold large amounts, their revenue accrual continues uninterrupted. Over time, their holding multiplier increases, maximizing their revenue share when they eventually claim it on the dApp.

User B holds 500 $GNG but transfers 400 $GNG in one transaction. For the twenty four-hour window during this transfer, their revenue share is void. However, after the twenty four-hour window, they continue to accrue revenue on the remaining 100 $GNG held.

Token Buybacks

All revenue shares are accrued in ETH but can be paid out in either $GNG or ETH, depending on the user's choice.

Payout Options

$GNG: Users who opt to receive $GNG will not incur any token tax.

ETH: - Users who choose to receive their payout in ETH will be subject to a percentage tax. This tax is then used for token buybacks, which replenishes the protocol treasury.

Impact on Token Circulation

Choosing ETH: When users opt for ETH payouts, the tax collected from these transactions is utilized to buy back $GNG tokens from the market. This process reduces the circulating supply of $GNG tokens over time, as more ETH payouts lead to more buybacks.

Choosing $GNG: If users decide to claim their revenue in $GNG instead of ETH, the accrued ETH revenue will be used to purchase $GNG tokens from the market. This mechanism supports the demand for $GNG tokens and ensures that the revenue is reinvested into the token ecosystem.

Strategic Benefits

By offering a tax-free option for payouts in $GNG, the protocol encourages users to choose the native token, which will help stabilize and potentially increase its value.

Replenishing the Treasury: The tax on ETH payouts not only incentives users to choose $GNG but also ensures that there is a continuous buyback mechanism in place. This mechanism helps in maintaining a healthy protocol treasury and supports the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem

Last updated